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Allison Towner

Title: The ALMA-IMF Large Program: SiO Gas and First Results from CMF Studies

Abstract: The ALMA-IMF Large Program seeks to understand the origins of the stellar IMF by studying the distribution of masses of pre- and protostellar cores (the Core Mass Function, or CMF) in 15 high-mass star-forming regions (protoclusters) in the Milky Way. The origin of the stellar IMF at the high-mass end remains a matter of some debate, with some studies suggesting that high-mass cores mirror the Salpeter slope and others suggesting that the CMF is top-heavy compared to the IMF. In this talk, I will present first results from CMF studies of protoclusters in the ALMA-IMF sample, including how the CMF may vary with a protocluster's evolutionary state or even vary locally within a single protocluster. I will also discuss a census of the SiO gas in the full sample, including 1) our full catalog of identified protostellar outflows, the outflow properties, and their connections to global properties within each protocluster, and 2) low-velocity, narrow, non-asymmetric SiO emission which is ubiquitous in our sample and may trace relic shocks or purely low-velocity processes. I will also discuss how these two types of emission may relate to the overall evolutionary state of each protocluster.