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Chirs De Pree

Title: What's up with the NRAO National Radio Dynamic Zone (NRDZ) Project

Abstract: The goal of the NSF Spectrum Innovation Initiative: National Radio Dynamic Zones (SII-NRDZ) program is “to advance the use of dynamic spectrum sharing.” A National Radio Dynamic Zone (NRDZ) is envisioned as a physical location that would allow both active and passive users to test new technologies in ways that would not impact users outside the zone. In order for an NRDZ to succeed, all potential users must be able to point to tangible benefits to their community. In stakeholder discussions thus far, this appears to be possible. In an NRDZ, active users could gain managed access to spectrum currently not available. Passive users could gain access to broad bandwidth observing without the need to undertake complex RFI monitoring and mitigation, and potentially the opportunity to develop and assess automated coordination systems with next generation wireless transmitters. The NRAO NRDZ project has three main areas of interest: (1) concept definition, (2) advanced spectrum monitor and (3) broader impacts. We present progress over the past year in all three areas, including stakeholder feedback on how an NRDZ could operate, early testing of components of the Advanced Spectrum Monitor (ASM) device that will provide sensitive spectrum monitoring from 1-120 GHz, and current status of the spectrum curricular initiatives.