Mark Gorski (Chalmers)

Title: The Hot Core Like Environment of the Galaxy IC 860
Abstract: Compact Obscured Nuclei (CONs) are galactic nuclei, with radii of 10-100 pc, that are optically thick at frequencies above 80GHz, and characterized by vibrationally excited HCN, and luminous complex organic molecule, emission. CONs account for ~30% of the population of luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs). Hiding either a rapidly accreting supermassive black hole or an abnormal mode of star formation, they represent an extreme phase of nuclear growth. Principal component analysis (PCA) tomography of high-resolution ALMA observations reveal morphological features from several molecular emission lines that suggest a rotating, in-falling disk or envelope, and an outflow. Our analysis submits that this important stage of nuclear evolution in galaxies is morphologically analogous to scaled up Milky Way hot cores, e.g., super hot cores.
Organizer: TUNA talks